Monday, 7 September 2015
Regulating Labour in Garment Supply Chains
Labour and Social Protection of Migrants
- H Verschueren: Paper
- H Verschueren: Presentation
- G Vonk: Paper
Labor Relations around the World; A discussion based on three books that focus on Comparative Employment Relations
Emerging from the Crisis? Public Service employment relations in Europe
Employee Financial Participation
Age Discrimination and labour law
Labour Migration, Regional Integration
Resolution of Workplace Conflict
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Keynote Speaker:
Mr Greg Vines, Deputy Director‐General, ILO
Keynote speaker:
Professor Frances Lund, University KwaZulu-Natal, RSA : Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO): Extending social protection / social security to informal workers: pathways to inclusive practices
Plenary Papers
- Adrienne Eaton, Susan J Schurman, Martha A Chen: Organizing informal workers: lessons from nine case studies around the globe
- Jessica Looze, Amy Raub and Jody Heymann: Social protection for workers in the informal economy: the role of legislation
- Amy Raub: Work interrupted: a global perspective on income protection
- Kenandei Tjivikua: Social protection system in Namibia: Achievements, challenges and reforms
Innovative forms of organization in the context of informal and precarious work
- Soonsik Kwon: Contingent employment and organizational outcome
- GiSeung Kim: Survival analysis on employment instability in South Korea
Responsibility for the provision of social protection: the state, business, trade unions, community or family
- Young-Myon Lee: Differing views on company provided welfare
- Funmi Adewumi: Funding the social protection
- Dominic Uzhenyu: Lack of social dialogue
- Marian Baird: Dynamics of parental leave
Innovation in social protection
- Liam Gallagher, Fionnuala Ryan: Designing a Feasible National Auto-Enrolment Pension Scheme: The case of Ireland
- Lee Kwang Taek: The recent reform of the pension system
- Lei Delsen, Jeroen Smits: The rise and fall of the Dutch employee savings schemes
Human rights protection
- Nancy Reims: Selection to vocational rehabilitation (VR) in Germany
- Minju Shin: The effects of causes of women’s career
Corporate social responsibility
- Heungjun Jung, Heejon Park, Johee Kim: The effects of CSR on a market share: The mediating role of cost reduction activities
- Gregory Jackson, Nicholas Rathert: CSR and the multinational corporation: toward an institutional theory of private governance
- Chang Kai: New characteristics of China’s labour relations and the labour movement: The game between two forces and two routes
- Pan Shih-Wei: CSR and industrial relations of Taiwanese manufacturers in China: Trapped between brands, NGO’s and the State
- Fang Lee Cooke: Chinese industrial relations research; In search of a broader analytical framework and representation
- Trywell Kalusopa: Chinese Investment in Africa: Lessons and Perspectives
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Keynote speaker:
- Professor Greg Bamber (Australian Consortium for Research in Employment and Work (ACREW), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia): Employment Relations: Internationally Comparative Frameworks of Analysis
Plenary Papers
- John Messenger and Lutz Geschwind: Three generations of telework: New ICTs and the (R)evolution from home office to virtual office
- Arnold Zack and Thomas Kochan: Building capacity to manage workplace conflict in China
- Anna Ilsøe, Andreas Pekarek and Ray Fells: Partnership under pressure: shifts between stability and fragility in decentralized bargaining in Danish and Australian manufacturing
Keynote speaker:
Professor Tayo Fashoyin (Formerly Visiting Professor of Labour and Employment Relations, Cornell University, USA): Change and transformation of employment relations in developing economies
Plenary Papers
- Frank Horwitz and Clare Kelliher: Changing context of work and work organisation in emerging markets
- Ji-Young Ahn: The dark side of war for talents and layoffs: evidence from Korean firms
- Rosemary Danesi: The changing nature of work: causes and effects on ER in Nigeria
Employment relations, society and labour solidarity
- Edmund Heery: Pluralist industrial relations in the era of neo-liberalism
- Dong-One Kim, Yoon-Ho Kim: Industrial relations system and well-being in OECD countries
- Laust Høgedahl, Henning Jørgensen, Emmett Caraker, Rasmus Møberg: Individualisation or collectivism? A longitudinal study of wage earner values and attitudes and new prospects for trade unions
- Xiliang Feng: The status quo and development tendency of Chinese tripartite consultation
- Susan Hayter, Nicolas Pons-Vignon: Industrial relations and inclusive development in South Africa
China’s labour and employment relations challenges
- Jingfu Lu, Min Li, Huaizhong Wang: From Conflict to Harmony: Transformation of labour relations in a Chinese state-owned enterprise
- Zeng Xiangquan, Yang Yumei: Challenges and resolutions in China labour market
- Qing Jun Wu: Multi-mechanisms of wage determination and the model of industrial relations in China’s self-owned enterprises
- Yujuan Zhai: Features of labour relations in the Pearl River Delta and legislation of the right to strike wave in Dalian
Trade union challenges
- Ian Sakinofsky: Can trade unions become nascent again?
- Christian Ibsen, Jonas Toubøl: Why do workers join unions? Social custom theory revisited
- Maarten Keune: Representing the insiders or protecting the weak: Debate
- Jing Wang, Quan Meng: Can Chinese unions learn to be legitimate? Institutional experimentation in the wake of the 2010 strike wave in Dalian
Managing human resources
- G Cillie, B Jordaan: From silos to synergy – HR and ER as two sides of the same coin
- Miao Zhang, Huaichun Rui: HR strategy and employment management in Chinese MNC’s
Restructuring work and industry
- Thomas Haipeter: Tertiarisation of German manufacturing and white collar worker representation
- Lampela, Heilmann, Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, Hyrkäs, Lämsä: Identifying worker needs in implementing knowledge work tools in manufacturing
- Michael Tiemann: Changes in the world of work and increased complexity of work: Division of labour, Germany since 1979
Globalisation and employment relations
- Lorenzo Bordogna, Roberto Pedersini: Effects of EU governance response to the economic crisis
- Partha Sarkar: Impact of globalization on ER: Perspectives from India
- Philippe Pochet; European monetary union and collective bargaining systems in Europe
Employment relations review
- John Budd, Mark Bray, Johanna Macneil: The Many Meanings of Cooperation in the Employment Relationship and their Implications?
- Ki-Jung Kim: Research trend analysis in the field of industrial relations using text mining
- Alsos, Kristin, Sissel Trygstad: The tipping point – the condition of the Norwegian model at company level
Trade unions and employers’ associations in collective bargaining
- Jung Hoon Lee, Ji-Soon Park, Jiman Lee: Impact of multiple labour unions at the workplace level on IR and labour conflict in South Korea
- William K Roche, Paul Teague: Concession bargaining in Ireland employment and working conditions
Trade union organisation and employer associations
- Edmund Heery: Changing face of employer collective action in UK
- Amy Raub, Jessica Looze, Jody Heymann: The right to form and join trade unions in 193 countries
Human Resource development, intermediaries and internships
- Andre Kraak: Can NGO intermediaries play a positive role in enabling employment and upskilling in the SA labour market?
- Paula McDonald, Deanna Grant-Smith: Unpaid work and internships – employability
- Stephanie Allais, Carmel Marock, Siphelo Ngcwangu: HRD strategies and systems in SA
Segmentation and flexibility in the labour market
- Maarten Keune, Valeria Pulignano, Nadja Doerflinger: Reintroducing the firm in the study of labour market segmentation
- Juhani Pekkola: Functional and numerical labour market flexibility in Finnish maritime business
- Jocelyn Vass and Paul Raidani: Nature and extent of employment flexibility among artisans in SA
Outsourcing, global competitiveness and employment relations
- Pauline Dibben, Geoffrey Wood: Outsourced cost savings and labour standards in SA automotive industry
- Partha Sarkar: Relationship between global competitiveness and ER in G20
- MacKenzie, Forde, Cook, Valizade: Effect of trade unions on high performance work systems (HPWS)
Labour Solidarity
- Juliane Reinecke Jimmy Donaghey: After Rana Plaza: Building coalitional power – labour rights in global apparel supply chains
- Lise Hansen: Changing world of work as challenging and changing worker solidarity
Industrial conflict and its resolution into labour law?
- Minsu Song: Does a long dispute really mean that both parties are wrong?
- Evert J Smit: The syndicalist undercurrent, strikes and industrial relations in the Port of Rotterdam
- Martin Behrens, Andreas Pekarek: Comparative analysis of workplace dispute resolutions
- Xiaoguang Zhou: Status, characteristics and resolutions of labour management conflict in China
Africa and its legacies
- Brewster, Wood, Brookes, Cunha, Dibben: Colonial Legacy: Institutional Legacies and Capabilities: The Practice of Work and ER in Portugal and Mozambique
- Rodreck Mupedziswa: Africa’s Diasporas and the Challenge of Employment Opportunities: Exiled Zimbabwe nationals in the UK
Skills and economic development in sub-Saharan Africa
- G Van Zyl: Labour productivity contribution of different employee age-skill categories in SA
- Joseph Jiboku, Wilson Akpan: Empowering Employees Beyond the Context of Company’s Industrial Operations: Dynamics of Skills Development in the Nigerian Multinational Corporate Sector
- Johan Maree: Human Resource Development for Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
Employment and working conditions
- Itaru Nishimura, Hideki Tanaka: Workers' satisfaction in new movement of Japanese regular employment
- Christopher Mclachlan: Socially responsible restructuring and redundancy in UK
- Ann Bergman; It used to be the best shit job in the world: cabin attendants and ageing in a deregulated sector
Cross-National differences in work organisation and employment relations
- Robert Helmrich, Michael Tiemann: The international division of labour: Footloose tasks and placebound workers
- Marsden, Doellgast, Sarmiento-Mirwaldt: Institutions as rules and resources: Explaining cross-national divergence in call centre employment systems
- González, Medwid, Gomis: Labour relations and sector analysis in emerging countries. A comparative study of automotive and telecommunications subsidiaries operating in Argentina and Mexico
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Keynote speaker:
Professor Manfred Weiss, Emeritus-Professor, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany: The future of labour law in the context of global challenges
Plenary Papers
- Halton Cheadle: Constitutionalising the right to strike
- Michael Walker and Surendra Pratap: Hyperbolic discounting in occupational safety and health in South Asia
- Gerhard Bosch: The bumpy road to a minimum wage in Germany
- Anna Virginia Moreira Gomes: Regulating unacceptable forms of work: the legal protection of waste pickers in Brazil
Regional cooperation of labour lawyers
Limitations of Social Security coverage
- M Westerfield : Paper
The Marikana Massacre: Locating violent industrial disputes
Labour law and its inter-relationship with human rights law and social justice, development and the decent work agenda
- Yuhua Xie, Guo Yongxin, Yang Yufang: Supply-oriented and demand-oriented collective wage consultation in China
- Anne Odegard, Sissel Trygstad: Labour mobility to Norway: The trade union’s role and policy against social dumping
- RF Hoekstra, Willemijn Roozendaal: Working hours and overtime: Balancing economic interests and fundamental rights in a globalized economy
Labour law protection in the context of non-standard work and unemployment: emerging trends
- Ulrich Walwei: From de-regulation to re-regulation: Trend reversal in German labour market institutions and its possible implications
- Camila Morsch, Alisson Droppa: ILO 158 Convention, the right to employment and the challenges to implementation in Brazil: contradictions and social tensions
- Camilo Vargas, Martha Monsalve: Labour outsourcing: Between efficiency and social equality
- Biavaschi, Droppa, Marques: Superior labour court and the subtlety of the dialects of decisions concerning outsourcing
The search for substantive equality at work
- Helen LaVan, Marsha Katz: Enhancing understanding of Hispanic employment discrimination in the US
- Urwana Coiquaud: Laws and protection role of labour law in Canada
- Jianfei Li, Jing Li: Social Security for the disabled in China
Labour law and regulation in a globalised society: the future of labour law in the changing world of work
- Min Li, Jie Qiu, Mengtao Wu: Comparative study on the effects of labour relations regulation and the influenced factors
- Kurt Walpole: Comparing collective bargaining and Australia’s individualised process of collective agreement-making
- Jing Ren, Yuanlin Li: Latest changes of labour policies and legislation in China and its impact on labour relations
Recent developments regarding freedom of association and the right to strike
- Maria Dubinsky: Trade union membership as a possible way of defense of atypically employed workers’ rights in Russia
- Gill Kirton: The interconnections of industrial relations context, union culture, women's participation and size
- Uçkan Hekimler, Alpay Hekimler: The general criticism of new trade unions and collective labour agreement act in Turkey
- Geoff Giudice: The right to strike in Australia
- Nataschja Hummel: Citizens in Uniform: A legal impulse towards unionization of European armed forces
- Pierluigi Digennaro: Transnational secondary collective action in the EU legal framework: The narrow path of solidarity
Labour dispute resolution and the enforcement of labour law
- Gabriele Fischer, Frank Sowa: Equal rights? Social inequalities and the compliance of labour law
- Cradden, Graz, Pamingle: Private regulation and labour representation: The impact of the International Finance Corporation’s ‘performance standards’ on freedom of association and collective bargaining
- Ryuichi Yamakawa: Rethinking measures of implementation of labour laws and policies
- Ockert Dupper, Colin Fenwick: The interaction of private and public labour regulation: a case study of better work Indonesia
Keynote speaker:
- Prof Lorenzo Bordogna (Professor of Economic Sociology, University of Milano, Italy): Reforming public service employment relations: Past, present and future prospects
Plenary Papers
- Clive Thompson: Recipes for success in public service workplace relations: looking for answers in South Africa and Sri Lanka
- David Marsden: Linking teachers' pay to performance: A study of the effects of pay for performance in state schools in England and Wales 2000-2015, and the role of the teachers' unions
- Theophilus Tshukudu: Increasing public service trade unions' powers and its implications for labour and employment relations
Disputes and strikes in the public service: strategies for prevention
- Jennifer Cowman, Mary Keating: Exploring workplace industrial relations conflict: Expressions and responses using qualitative case studies in a healthcare setting
- Carsten Jensen: Public sector unionization, segmentation and professions as determinants of unionization in the public sector – Denmark as a case
Remuneration in the public service: equal treatment and the prevention of underpayment and overpayment of different sectors in the public service
- Ying-Che Hsieh, Jingjing Weng, Wei Huang: Motivation or demotivation? A case study of school teachers’ performance related pay system in China
- Liway Johnson: Teachers performance improvement in the NSW public schooling contexts: evidence and experience
- Mc-Grath Champ, Fitzgerald, Parding, Rainnie: Public sector school education and the effects of marketisation: Australian/Swedish comparisons
Collective bargaining in the public service: identifying the most appropriate bargaining structures
- Thomas Kochan, Saul Rubinstein, Laura Rico: Union management partnerships and US public school reform
- Dominic Uzhenyu: Collective bargaining in the public sector, a panacea to perpetual conflicts and labour unrest (strikes)
- Ernesto Noronha, Premilla D'Cruz: Re-igniting collective bargaining in the Indian public sector: The case of non-standard workers
Appropriate legal techniques for the regulation of the public employment relationship
- Adriaan van der Walt: Legal technique of managing absconding employees in SA and a comparison with other countries
- Craig Bosch: 2015 amendments to the LRA: Solutions or more problems for non-standard employees in the public service?
Worker participation and Societal Effects
- Joseph S. Lee: Intergenerational linkage in married women’s labour force participation in Taiwan
- Budd, Timming, Lamare: Learning About Democracy at Work: Evidence on the Societal Effects of Employee Participation in Decision-Making
- Christian Hohendanner: The long arm of the job in times of insecurity. Work and social participation in Germany
- Catherine Casey: Trade unions and corporate government in UK
Wage structures and their consequences
- Changwon Lee: Wage structure reform in South Korea
- Renate Neubaeumer: Does decentralization of collective bargaining and wage compression result in less training in Germany?
- Paolo Tomassetti; Ecological conversion of workplaces and wages
Worker Participation and Voice
- Margaret Heffernan, Tony Dundon: Role of frontline managers in employee voice
- Ray Markey, Joseph McIvor, Chris Wright: Climate change and role of employee voice: Australia
- John Opute, Karl Koch: Labour involvement in participation and democracy: case of Nigeria
- Stephen Wood, Chidiebere Ogbonnaya: Recession, Employee involvement, Well-being and Organizational Performance
Occupational Health and Safety
- Hoque, Wass, Bacon, Jones: Are high performance work practices disabling the disabled further? UK study
- Heesang Yoon, Ki-Jung Kim: Comparison of standard and contingent workers’ economic activity after work-related injury absence in Korea
- Naj Ghosheh: Remembering rest periods: the forgotten working condition
Friday, 11 September 2015
Keynote speaker:
Mr Patrick Taran, President: Global Migration Policy Associates, Switzerland: Migration, globalization and the world of work: new challenges for labour relations
Plenary Papers
- Gabriella Alberti and Sonila Danaj: The difference that migration and employment make: A cross-sectoral analysis of access to employment security and social protection for migrants in the UK
- Herwig Verschueren: Employment and social rights of non-EU labour migrants under EU law: An incomplete patchwork of legal protection
- Juliana Masabo: Irregular migrant workers’ access to host country’s labour dispute resolution mechanisms: Experiences from the SADC region
- Nobuyuki Yamada: Migrant workers as a peripherality: advocacy and organizing activities in Malaysia
Migration, employment and labour market regulation
- Nancy Kracke: Are immigrants more likely to be overeducated than natives? And what is the role of gender and socio-economic background?
- Jo Rispoli: Facilitating diaspora engagement for development in Africa
- Feng Hong, Li Sheng: Analysis on current life and consciousness of immigrant population gathering area in extra-large cities
Migration, employment and labour market regulation
- Robyn Mayes: Transnational (temporary) skilled labour migration: intersections of policy, industry practice and experiences of migrancy in Australia
- Yongjin Nho: The impact of temporary unskilled immigrants on firm performance: Evidences from the Korean small-medium business sector
- Jia-wen Huang, Min Li: Study on migrant workers’ appeal for rights and the transformation of labour relations in Guangdong Province
Migration, employment and labour market regulation
- Chizuko Hayakawa: Japan’s recent developments in immigration law and policy: Reform on the admission system of highly skilled professionals, technical interns, and domestic workers
- Bela Galgoczi: EU labour migration during the crisis – does increased labour mobility contribute to better labour allocation?
- Andersen, Eldring, Felbo-Kolding, Andersen: Diverse patterns of CEE labour migration – The case of Denmark and Norway
Migration, employment and labour market regulation
- He Qin, Ai Xiaoqing: A study of the wage gap faced by migrant workers from the perspectives of industry segmentation
- Daniel Tevera: Social protection of transnational migrants occupying urban spaces in Swaziland: context, challenges and responses
Migration and social protection
- Igor Guardiancich; Portability of supplementary pension rights in Europe: Challenges, opportunities and lessons to be drawn
- Jason Theede: Voices from the underground: Building the advocacy and human rights capacity of migrant mine workers and their families in Southern Africa